Jane” follows Jane Garcia, a 9-year-old budding environmentalist on a quest to save endangered animals. Using her powerful imagination, Jane takes her best friends David and Greybeard the chimpanzee on epic adventures to help protect wild animals all around the world.

During this production as a 1AAD, I was blessed with almost a full year of opportunities to explore my artistry in many different media. I got to vinyl wrap all kinds of vehicles like Snowmobiles, ATVs, Airplanes, Boats, and more. I designed graphics for every set, and produced original artwork for most of the AMORT sets. I worked on small designs like food labels, newspapers, and signage - to enormous designs like backdrops, and beach background graphics. I worked on concept art a few times through this project and enjoyed every minute of this experience.

The best part about working on this show is that I proved to myself that I can handle anything art related asked of me, and that I can work efficiently under pressure. I reminded myself that I was capable of a variety of design styles, and that I was resourceful with artistic tools digital and traditional.

I’d like to thank Singking Ship Ent. for this important and meaningful film opportunity. Being part of a project that teaches our youth about the environment and how they can make a difference resonates with me and I’m glad I could do my part as an artist. Thank you to my amazing art team as well for holding it down. And it was great to see Dr. Jane Goodall speak during wrap of the show.

“Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, we shall be saved.”

__Jane Goodall