"Pretty Hard Cases" follows Guns and Gangs detective Sam and Drug Squad detective Kelly. By day, they are heroes in their particular way: skilled, tough, determined, and entertaining, fighting to do good in a broken system.

This show had me as a 1AAD Graphic Designer. It was my first experience working on an office based show which involved a good amount of paperwork designs, file folders, and interior signage. However, there were still more opportunities to flex my drawing muscle than I expected. I worked on tattoos, police sketches, and interior artwork. I worked on many location greeking projects turning establishments into other establishments which was a fun challenge. I learned alot about the style ranges between different shows which is helpful information to bring into new jobs.

The best experience was meeting all the new DGC members on the show, and making new and supportive friends in the industry. I was given trust in my responsibilities as a graphic designer and learned how to be a better leader in the Art Department.

Thank you to the team for a wonderful and unforgettable experience on this show.
